Summer Training in Autocad | The Core Systems

Summer training in Autocad

summer-training-in-autocad-1.jpg summer training in autocad Summer Training in Autocad | The Core Systems summer training in autocad 1Summer training from The Core Systems is the students’ number one training center. The Core Systems gives the best summer training at affordable prices. The purpose of summer training is to provide basic knowledge about the skill that helps get the job.

What will you do in Summer training in Autocad?

We will give summer training in AutoCAD, CATIA, and SolidWorks:


auto cad the core systems summer training in autocad Summer Training in Autocad | The Core Systems rsharma 300x169AutoCAD features :
  • A step-by-step explanation of some specific examples.
  • A detailed explanation of AutoCAD commands.
  • self-evaluation and exercise at the end of each session.
  • important tips in each session.

Topics to be covered in auto cad:

  1. Create local and global blocks.
  2. Learning advanced plotting and publishing option.
  3. Inserting reusable symbols.
  4. Using more advanced editing and construction techniques.
  5. Preparing a layout to be plotted.
  6. Adding text, hatching, and dimensions.
  7. Understanding the AutoCAD workspace and user interface.


catia the core systems summer training in autocad Summer Training in Autocad | The Core Systems catia the core systems 300x169   CATIA features:

  • Innovative CATIA training techniques.
  • Emphasis on why and how with an explanation.
  • A detailed explanation of CATIA commands and tools.
  • An ideal resource for beginners to practicing professionals.

Topics to be covered in CATIA:

  1. Adding templates.
  2. Sketch analysis.
  3. Creating and editing sketches.
  4. Exploding the assembly.
  5. Finalizing drawing.
  6. Generating the bill of material.
  7. Generative shape design.
  8. Generative sheet metal design.
  9. Drawing view generation.
  10. External file management.
  11. Bending folding-unfolding sheet.
  12. Designing and modifying parts.
  13. Understanding CATIA workspace, user interface, and setting.
  14. Manipulating 3d object assemblies.


The Core Systems summer training in autocad Summer Training in Autocad | The Core Systems the Core systems logo 300SolidWorks features:

  • Theoretical concepts of engineering graphics, including orthographic projection.
  • Auxiliary views and sectioning, general dimensioning, and tolerance.
  • Gaining a working knowledge of cad solid modeling.

Topics to be covered in SolidWorks:

  1. Simulation.
  2. Editing features.
  3. Advanced modeling tools.
  4. Surface overview.
  5. Sheet metal.
  6. Core & cavity.
  7. Bill of material and balloon tools.
  8. Configuration.
  9. Import/export of files.
  10. part modeling.
  11. 3d sketching.
  12. Creating reference geometries.
  13. sketcher basics.


Why choose The Core Systems as your AutoCAD  summer training center:   

  • We will give the best summer training in AutoCAD training.
  • We have the best labs summer training in AutoCAD training.
  • We have the best trainers in AutoCAD training.
  • We have ten years of experience in AutoCAD training.
  • We give practical training in AutoCAD training.

Read more: Summer training in IoT

Don’t think so much join The Core Systems for summer training in AutoCAD and taste the world-class training in AutoCAD.

the core systems chandigarh summer training in autocad Summer Training in Autocad | The Core Systems The Core Systems address
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